Empowering eye patients with their health data

MyEyeSite is a digital platform that empowers eye patients to collect, manage and share their specialist health data. You can use it to help your clinician provide the best possible care, to contribute to scientific discovery, or to share with loved ones.


Why is MyEyeSite needed?

MyEyeSite was originally conceived to help people suffering with rare eyes disease bring together their medical data from many different locations. A patient's medical data is often siloed away within many different computer systems, across different hospitals.

This makes it difficult for doctors to get a complete picture of a patient's medical history, especially when visiting a new hospital or clinic. And this also makes it difficult for any one trust to have sufficient data on rarer diseases to carry out essential research. MyEyeSite empowers patients to retrieve their medical data, access it at any time, share it with their doctors ahead of appointments, and agree for it to be used in research.

Watch the film to learn more.

MyEyeSite is secure and transparent. We take a patient-first approach to everything we do. 

MyEye is a collaboration between Moorfields Eye Hospital, UCL and Loft Digital, supported by HDRUK and Innovate UK. Together they bring the expertise in clinical care, research, technology, health data and innovation that is helping MyEyeSite to solve vital problems in modern digital medicine.